Executive Summary

A small Midwestern oilfield services company was losing 40% of its revenue due to the company running all of its processes manually. The company needed a solution that would provide the capabilities of big enterprise software but in a more accessible and nimble package that suited their operation. The oilfield services company worked with Sensfix to automate and digitize its services while empowering employees in the field and service managers with the tools they needed for better service efficiency.

The Challenge

Aside from accounting software, the oilfield services company had been running its entire operation manually. The company was starting to realize how much revenue it was losing due to error-prone manual processes and the CEO knew they needed software to standardize and digitize operations and data. Due to the size and nature of the business, the company did not have sufficient cash clow to invest in a full computerized maintenance management system (CMMS) or field service management (FSM) software and needed an affordable solution that catered to the needs of a slower-paced multi-stakeholder ecosystem to help them recover lost revenue.

The Solution

In its aggressive search for the right software solution, the oilfield services company selected Sensfix due to its flexible mobile-first technology and its capabilities including CMMS, FSM, ticketing, workflow, digitization, monitoring, instant metadata access from the field, and real-time inventory usage. The Sensfix Digital Maintenance platform (SDM) also offered the company automated decision-making based on multimodal inputs from assets and personnels in the field including form data, IoT data, text, images, audio, video, and bar codes.
Once implemented, SDM AI-Workflows allowed the oilfield services manager to easily build any service workflow in just a few minutes without any coding. On Sensfix’s intuitive web app, the manager could define workflows one step at a time and assign the service personnel working on them, assets being worked on, tools required, vehicles, and spare parts/consumables used.
In the field, superintendents, truck drivers, swampers, and roustabouts use SDM ServiceScanAI to track each step of their progress on their service tasks while service managers monitor and manage all ongoing services. That manager can easily control job pre-validation, job assignments and reassignments, sign-offs, and inventory updates. With SDM Flowboard, service managers can visualize every asset across all geographies and view the status of all workflows associated with them.
This six-month proof-of-concept accomplished the company’s objectives and Sensfix will be working with continue working with them on an ongoing basis.


  • Eliminated 100% of errors by automating job pre-validation and assignments using multimodal AI.
  • Automated and enabled job reassigned and sign-off remotely and in real-time, which removed backlogs for job reassignments or approvals and eliminated the company’s 40% revenue loss due to manual tasks.
  • Improved service efficiency by reducing time-to-repair assets and creating detailed visibility of current and closed tickets, preventative maintenance schedules, and spare part inventories.
  • Empowers personnel in the field with key service information and resources all from a single mobile app.
  • Provides service managers with unprecedented visibility on a single map of all service activities and metadata including assets, parts, vendors, suppliers, tools, vehicles, and more.