A smart city is a municipality that uses data and automation to be more energy-efficient, environmentally friendly, and cheaper to maintain.

In Poland, cities have a chance to develop even faster than cities in Western Europe. Experts say that Poland is ideally suited for smart city projects because the latest technologies will be adopted much faster than in more developed countries. In France or Germany, for example, the latest technology advances are already available, so these markets are reluctant to look at smart city news.

Meanwhile, Poland or Romania do not have the latest technologies and applications, so are more open to new products and the next stages of smart city development, according to Balaji Renukumar, CEO of Sensfix, in an interview with Newseria Innovation Agency.

Not only can these cutting-edge technologies contribute to a city’s innovativeness, but they also provide cost savings. A smart city idea is inextricably linked with increased efficiency and sustainability, making it feasible to reduce the cost of maintaining municipal resources. The utilization of suitable public lighting and LED luminaires that enable these smart systems improves urban traffic operations, boosts individual safety, saves costs, and achieves improved energy efficiency. According to Balaji Renukumar, a centralized system of sensors connected to the Internet of Things might save a lot of energy waste on the streets today.

Not only, these cutting-edge technologies add a city’s innovation, but they also enable cost savings. A smart city concept is inextricably linked with higher efficiency and sustainability, making it possible to lower the cost of asset maintenance and operations. For example, significant energy is wasted by inefficient street lights, which can be automated with smart city technology through a centralized system of sensors connected with the internet of things, says Renukumar. Not only can smart city technology address energy efficiency, but it can also improve urban traffic operations, and citizen safety.

More in the article (in Polish)
